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Landscape Architecture 


I’ve found that residential designs often have the same issues as larger scale projects, but at a smaller scale and on a more personal level. While in public sector projects the ultimate users are fairly removed from intricacies of the process, in residential design every decision directly effects the client. The personal relationship that develops during the process inspires me to push my creative and technical boundaries, all in effort to create the space they’ve always wanted, but never knew they could have.  


When preparing concept drawings, whether at a residential or regional scale, I base the graphics on the German B-plan aesthetic, using 3 colors to identify circulation, planting areas and lawn. This method simplifies the concept into an easily understandable plan. Additionally, this simplicity shows a sense of scale and represents to the client that I’ve ‘showed my work’, understanding the site while incorporating their needs. 

Much like public projects, balancing the budget with deliverable expectations is a delicate dance. I’ve found that this is point in the process is where the established client/designer relationship can lead to greater trust and understanding.

Concept Plans 
Construction Documents
West Sacramento Residence 
El Dorado Hills
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